Elon Musk Tesla Invention - siddiqtalk.blogspot
Interesting Fact About Elon Musk Tesla Invention:
While musk was busy worrying about rockets and numerous another engineer were working on the prototype for what would eventually be known as the Tesla roadster however having been thinking about electric cars for the better part of 2 decades musk came on board as soon as the project requested funding hr invested heavily in the projected and took on the role of chairman of the board at that time as well this position allowed him to take on a more active role in the design of the soon to be commercially released Tesla roadster.
Currently, Tesla Motors offers 3 different models on the road with a fourth version priced around the cost of comparable family vehicles in the market being announced in march of 2016 and quickly selling through its preorder allotment while the numbers of vehicles it has on the road is still relatively small Tesla motors is already being compared to the ford company it is also in the first successful new automotive company to be founded in America for more than a century.
While he was certainly involved in the coming together of the roadsters ultimate design musk did not begin to take on a more active role of managing the company until 2008 around the start of the global financial crisis he took on the role of CEO at that time as well as the of product architect while the product line has since become a success it was far forming a sure thing at several points in the production process.
Musk first met Marc Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard the creators of the original the creator of original Tesla models in 2001 when the duo went to listen to musk speak on his newest passion project of travelling to mars they exchanged pleasantries and nothing much came of the encounter except that musk remembered their names when they met again three later in 2004 to pitch musk on the idea for an electric car called T Zero.
Musk was instantly hooked on the pitch and arranged to meet with the pair the very next week the meeting scheduled for a tight 30 minutes quickly grew to be more than 3 hours in length as the trio discussed the specifics of the T Zero as well as the importance of creating a vehicle that could compete on the road as well as at the pump this the meeting was also the genesis of the roll-out strategy that Tesla motors would ultimately employ to great success starting with a high-end model to capture the heart and the mind of the public before rolling out a mainstream edition to take advantage of the fervour.
While musk was busy worrying about rockets and numerous another engineer were working on the prototype for what would eventually be known as the Tesla Roadster, however, having been thinking about electric cars for the better part of 2 decades musk came on board as soon as the project requested funding hr invested heavily in the projected and took on the role of chairman of the board at that time as well this position allowed him to take on a more active role in the design of the soon to be commercially released Tesla roadster.
Currently, Tesla Motors offers 3 different models on the road with a fourth version priced around the cost of comparable family vehicles in the market being announced in march of 2016 and quickly sold through its re-order allotment while the numbers of vehicles it has on the road is still relatively small Tesla motors are already being compared to the ford the company it is also in the first successful new automotive company to be founded in America for more than a century.
While he was certainly involved in the coming together of the roadsters ultimate design musk did not begin to take on a more active role of managing the company until 2008 around the start of the global financial crisis, he took on the role of CEO at that time as well as the of product architect while the product line has since become a success it was far forming a sure thing at several points in the production process.
Musk first met Marc Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard the creators of the original the creator of original Tesla models in 2001 when the duo went to listen to musk speak on his newest the passion project of travelling to mars they exchanged pleasantries and nothing much came of the encounter except that musk remembered their names when they met again three later in 2004 to pitch musk on the idea for an electric car called T Zero.
Musk was instantly hooked on the pitch and arranged to meet with the pair the very next the week the meeting scheduled for a tight 30 minutes quickly grew to be more than 3 hours in length as the trio discussed the specifics of the T Zero as well as the importance of creating a a vehicle that could compete on the road as well as at the pump this the meeting was also the genesis of the roll-out a strategy that Tesla motors would ultimately employ to great success starting with a high-end model to capture the heart and the mind of the public before rolling out a mainstream edition to take advantage of the fervour.
Charging & Maintenance:
One issue with electric cars is their maintenance and charging requirement. During Tesla early days, in particular, this was an issue for a lot of their customers.
Today however Elon Musk and Tesla Motors are investing heavily in the worldwide installation of their charging station. Currently, there are over 3,500 Tesla supercharging station worldwide which will charge a car in less than 1- an hour in addition to that over 3,500 destination chargers exist which are smaller charging station that exists in a place such as restaurants and hotel.
During his speech at the unveiling event of the Model 3 musk stated that they will be more than double the number of destination chargers over the next 12-months.
There were also currently over 250 Tesla dealerships worldwide meaning that in most place across North America, Europe and Asia-pacific, you will be able to purchase a Tesla and have it serviced and maintained without issue the number of Tesla location is also increasing at an incredible and in value.
The third option for charging is available and that is through the installation of a home-charging unit the unit can be installed by an electrician and is designed to fully charge the cars charge overnight. Tesla estimates that the installation costs of one of these charges can vary anywhere between $500 and $5000, depending upon the customer's location and electrical setup in their home. The cost of providing a full charge is said to be much less than that of a tank of petrol which will quickly cover the home installation costs.
Motivation Behind Tesla:
Tesla is more than simply a car company and instead, has a purpose much greater than simply making a profit Elon Musk is a huge proponent of sustainable energy and in his recent unveiling speech of Model 3, he gave some insight as to why Tesla Motors was created.
He shared some facts and figures related to CO2 emission and showed a graph representing their staggering the increase over the past few years at the current rate we will soon be causing irreparable damage to the environment, and eventually will run low on fuel sources.
The Tesla motors company has a vision of electric cars being the accepted norm worldwide and with their large investment into infrastructure and production they are rapidly making this a reality.
Still, a young company Tesla aims to continue producing electric cars at cheaper and cheaper price whilst simultaneous developing more infrastructure for charging station and also improving their technology.
With all of these factors considered Elon Musk predicts that the value of Tesla Motors will go up by 30 X over the next few decades.
Competition &company performance:
Tesla Motors is not void of competitors, though it's not something that Elon Musk appears to be worried about.
In a bold move In 2004, he actually made the design plans of this Tesla car publicly available to anyone who would use them in good faith. competitors are not to copy his patented design directly but can model their cars off of the same technology.
This moved showed his dedication to the cause and was greatly met by praise worldwide in the media further boosting the public profile of Tesla.
There are several other electric cars available on the market today including the Chevrolet volt and most notably the Nissan Leaf. Tesla has also partnered with both Mercedes-Benz and Toyota and has assisted them in the production of their own electric cars.
The push for electric cars is becoming more and more apparent and it is likely that more competitors will emerge on the scene in the coming years.
Despite the competition, Tesla is the clear leader in the field Elon Musk passion and tenacity for the cause has pushed them to secure a majority stake in the electric car market their heavy investment into charging station worldwide also make them the easy choice for consumers.
The company has grown tremendously in recent years with a current value at the time of writing of over $25- billion.
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